Three of the biggest artists right now are teaming up for a great cause and a great man. These three patriots are tired of seeing our country in the shape it’s in and they’re tired of seeing that great man dragged through the mud.

All three know what it’s like to have fingers pointed at them. They know what it’s like to be “cancelled” and have the left media come after them, just like he does. And they all know that man will do anything for America. So they are putting their talent to use to support him.

The song 47 is a celebration of the Donald, and it’s also a rallying cry to the masses to turn out and support that great man. These three musical powerhouses know their strengths and they will not back down because he never did.

Ted Nugent, the elder statesman is a consummate patriot.  Having the parents of an underage girl sign rights over to him, crapping his pants to get out of serving his country, and being an all around turd for the last 50+ years, he’s perfect to lead.

Kid Rock, who’s over 50 and nowhere near a kid sings songs about young girls, makes  unlistenable music and really gets mad at beer cans will proudly bring a little country hip hop to the song which will suck even without that garbage.

And Jason Aldean, whose controversial hit has made this former nobody into a household name with the “dress nice we’re going to Walmart” crowd. Just like Nugent, a proud racist and light on moral character. Good stuff folks.

Joe Barron, music fan can’t wait to literally throw this into the trash as soon as it’s released. A good time will be had with the sister brother lovers crowd though, and that’s what matters here. God bless America.


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