Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is determined to keep her position by any means necessary and has informed the public, through a speech this last weekend, that come what may, she will not be vacating the Speaker’s chair in November.
“I was chosen for this seat by the American people, and wisely so,” rang out Pelosi’s words through the courtyard of the Queef County OBGYN lab in central California. “I am the only one ready to crush Trump and his RIDICULOUS MONKEYS!”
Even though the Democrats are fairly locked into a defeat in November, which would see Pelosi ejected from her chair and replaced by one of a dozen Republican shit-tards, the ice creamy queeny has made it clear that she won’t, even by a loss, be thrown out.
“Trump simply circumvents the laws and rules of elections. And all of the old, white, brain-dented troglodytes who squeeze his nuts for him don’t care. Why should I leave? What’s going to happen? Someone will call the Police? I don’t think so.”
Pelosi smiled and patted the side of her omnipresent purse.
“Second amendment, bitches. Second amendment. I will never leave and my colleagues will stand behind me.”
Pelosi does have a point. With no justice following the Trump insurrection except a few typical Trump racists here and there, she may be able to dig in. Will we have her as Speaker of the House permanently? We’ll just have to wait and see, Joe Barron.