The apples don’t fall far from the tree, they say, and nowhere is it more obvious than in the case of Nancy Pelosi‘s daughters. Often in trouble, they have lately shown that they share the trait most commonly associated with their mother…..a hopeless addiction to alcohol.
Both Melissa, 21, and Daphne, 19, were arrested this past weekend in San Francisco, California for breaking and entering. Officers were alerted to their crime by a silent alarm at “This Is The Way To Liquor,” a liquor store close to their home.
The sisters had been incredibly upset by the decision to overturn Roe v Wade. So this past Friday evening when they ran out of refreshments, the Pelosis decided that they would go there and just help themselves. Entering through the back door, the siblings walked in and proceeded to take from the shelves whatever they deserved, consuming as they went. It was a real ransacking.
The first officer on the scene was none other than Joe Barron, who gave a brief summary of the night’s events:
“The two girls were absolutely obliterated drunk. They thought that they had every right to be there for being loyal customers over the years and couldn’t understand why we had come to arrest them. They shouted out that they had to be there because they needed ‘vital protesting supplies.’
When it did finally dawn on them that they were going to lock-up, they simply laughed and said that mommy would get them out right away and that I would lose my job for arresting ‘California royalty,’ as they called themselves. That was all I needed to hear. The handcuffs went on, and the daughters Pelosi spent the night in the drunk tank. I wish we could’ve kept the spoiled brats even longer.”
Mother Nancy did manage to get them sprung, but not until morning, as she was not alerted to their capture until after she had woken up from her own drunken stupor. And yes, charges previously filed by the DA were mysteriously dropped, despite all the flawless evidence in their possession with which to prosecute. Once again, Democrat corruption reared its head.
Nancy Pelosi doesn’t have daughters named Melissa or Dephne.
And an 80 year old doesn’t have daughters that young. Think about it. I don’t think Pelosi was giving birth to babies when she was in her 60a. This is probably put out by the LEFT.
Whoever these two are they were caught coming into San Diego from Mexico in a motorhome bringing drugs across the border about 4 yrs ago it aired for about 4 days the younger girl said she wasn’t going down for drug’s that were not hers? The girl said the drug’s belong to Nancy pellosi our mom? The news stopped all play and and no more was said , amazing how much pull the Congress has ???
This site is for satire.
For the idiot MAGAts that think this is real, the girls in that photo are called Michaella McCollum who’s from Northern Ireland, and Melissa Reid who’s from Glasgow, Scotland. They were arrested when trying to smuggle 11kgs of cocaine out of Peru in 2013. Just google Peru Two and you’ll see them pop up.
Those are not Pelosi’s daughters.
Nancy Pelosi is 80 years old, can’t have daughters that young……..
They wouldn’t print this if it weren’t true.
Pardon my French, but are you fucking retarded? Nancy turned 80 on March 26 of this year. She is a wrinkled prune and so are her lady parts. She cant have kids at 60 and 61. Wake up lady.
Are you people really this gullible??? Talk about fake news-it doesn’t get any ‘faker’ than this nonsense.
Fact check this people, I did. This is a true story!
Did you now? All you had to do was read the byline to see this is satire “for gullible taters”. Good God people
It is a satire page. LOL
Relax people, this is obviously just a joke. Super funny though.
It’s satire site dumb shits.
Funnier than those who believe this… are those who are traumatised by other people believing this. Calm down already. (Regardless, Trump in a landslide.)
Fake News. I googled Nancy Pelosi. No daughters listed as Dapne and Melissa.
The most amusing part is how there are people here not only believing it but commenting that they already researched it to be true. Congratulations, you belong to the sheeple herd.
lol Some of the LIBTURD comments on this are hilarious!
Nancy Pelosi has five children: Nancy Corinne, Christine, Jacqueline, Paul, and Alexandra.
1) It’s 100% believable
2) even though 100% fake it’s just as true as most MSM stories.
Drunk Pelosi Satire for Gullible Taters
If true, it would require a gathering that marched to some courthouse screaming “JUSTICE”.
Hmmmm – bet the Left would scream mightily at that.
Uh, as much as I’d like to believe this, you people commenting must have missed the “satire” label at the top of the page.
Watching people argue about the legitimacy of a news article on a parody/satire web site ceases to be a continuous (and dependable) source of entertainment. Thanks for not disappointing.
It is still painful to see fellow humans fall for this each time….I don’t think it’s good for the team…so this bit of advice….when in doubt, click on “about”. …. Some people will believe anything they see on the web.. I think maybe they have too many cobWEBs in their heads.
WRONG! These are Maxine Waters two daughters…
People who get bent out of shape over satire are almost as funny as the satire itself. These comments are hysterical!!
those are nancy Pelosi’s granddaughter–it is obvious resemblance, somehow this must be Trumps fault!
They’re not even American
I guess Big Tits and No Brains runs in the family. 🙂 sarc.
Read the Masthead!
Fake News. All of Nancy Pelosi’s chldren are busy stealing American Foreign Aid in the Ukraine though their fake companies.
Nancy married her college sweetheart, Paul Pelosi, in 1963, and the couple wasted no time: A year later, they had their first child. By the end of 1970, they had five — four daughters and a son.
Doesn’t appear that the Pelosis have daughters by these names…. Nancy Patricia Pelosi is an American politician serving as Speaker of the United States House of Representatives since 2019, and previously from 2007 to 2011. She is the only woman in U.S. history to hold this position and is the highest-ranking woman elected official in United States history. Wikipedia
Born: March 26, 1940 (age 80 years), Baltimore, MD
Spouse: Paul Pelosi (m. 1963)
Previous offices: Representative, CA 8th District (1993–2013), Representative, CA 5th District (1987–1993)
Children: Alexandra Pelosi, Christine Pelosi, Paul Pelosi, Jr., Jacqueline Pelosi, Nancy Corinne Pelosi
Grandchildren: Thomas Vincent Vos, Isabella Kaufman, Paul Michael Vos
Education: Trinity Washington University (1962), Institute of Notre Dame (1958)
Harry Helmet is the author, sounds like a fake name
This is a satire site. Everyone needs to wake up and actually read an entire article, not just the headline.
All of you getting all bent out of shape over this article, didn’t take a seconds to realize this is a satire site.
They are not gonna use their REAL names
This story is fake…….nobody would want to have sex with Nancy unless they were drugged and raped. Anything’s possible.
Yall are funny as hell if it is true or not the liberal democrats on here are screaming in their basement because someone got pelosi’s daughters got locked up or even talked about lol I know granny Pelosi promised Trump would be gone yet he isn’t yet only 4 more years then he will be it’s ok people they got out of jail
well, the math doesn’t work out, 19 and 21, and Nancy is 80. I’d start there.
Look at the byline and the name of the folder is is stored in.
Jeezus….if stupid could fly, some of you would be jets. This is a satire site. It says right on top of the article: “Drunk Pelosi Satire for Gullible Taters”
And if you click “about us” they give some advise for you inbreds:
“If you can seriously read this stuff and think it can be passed off as real to reasonable people, you need to go out, right now, and buy a sense of humor and a clue.”
She’s older than the Ten Commandments, unless she adopted them, she’s wouldn’t have 21 & 19yo daughters.
Some people are really upset by this, this is a joke.
Hey. If you demeocraps believe the totally stupid crap the media says, like trump told you to drink bleach, we can believe that vodka Nancy had daughters at the age of 50. Heck, you all believe that Floyd guy is dead because you want to. So, Nyah.
Did you miss the part where the website says SATIRE… relax.
Do the math. Nancy’s 80 YO and almost tits-up. … No way could she have kids that young.
I hate Nancy Pelosi and am all for her being removed but these are not her daughters. Her youngest daughter is 50 ant none of he children have these names. There is enough shitty news without Satire and Fake news
It’s impossible for Nasty Nancy Pelosi to have a 19 and a 21 year daughter. The bitch is 80 years old. You mean to tell me that a 60 year old hack gave birth.
I don’t understand why all of you think this site is FAKE news? It’s on the news daily or the next day. Everything I have read on here has been true. It’s a crime shame they think they are California Royals. Lmao! News flash girls, royalty is not in the U.S.
The reason we all think it is FAKE is because the very site itself admits that. It is satire and fiction. Check their “about us” section.
Say Madam Nancy Pelosi, why can’t you keep your daughters “‘Out Of Major Trouble’, I mean Stealing Liquor, Getting Drunk In The Liquor Stores Premises And Then Into The Drunk Tank Down At The Neighborhood Jail”? I have a question for you! IF you cannot keep your own daughters “Out Of The Drunk Tank, Down At The Local Hus-Cow = Police Station = Jail”, Then You Truly Need To STOP All Of Freaken Lies Concerning #45 And The Present US AG, Is This A Good Idea!?! Because, At Least The US AG Mr. William “Bill” Barr Has Been Always Faithfully Following The US Constitution To The Letter, Word And All Of The Time, And #45 Has Never Broken Any Part Of The US Constitution, Which Is A Lot Cleaner Of A List, Compared To Your Two Idols Or I Truly Should Say Three, Who Are #44 (Who Has Two Extra Different First Names And Has Three Too Many Different Last Names = Mr. Barry Or Is It Barack Hussein Soetoro Alias Soebarkah Alias Dunham Alias Obama), And His AG “Wingman” Mr. Holder, Who Did Get In Major Trouble Because Of His ILLEGAL Gun Running Operation, That Went Awry, When Two Of The USA’s Official Border Guards, Ended Up 6 Feet Under Ground Level, And It Turned Out Those Two Guns/Rifles Had The Serial #’s, That Was Supposed To Be Melted Down To Be Molded Into Some Other, Like A Riding Mower ….., And His First US-SOS Mrs. HRC, Who Just Can Never Keep Any Of The USA’s Confidential Secrets Clear Up To The USA’s Super Duper Secrets From Getting Hacked By Foreign Computer Hackers Of The Likes Of Gucifer #1 and #2, When She Was Multiple Times, Told That She Could NOT Use Her Own Black Berry Un-US.Gov Protected APP!?! Oh, Yes, I Almost Forgot About Mr. Vincent Foster, Who Used To Be A Very Close Friend And Worker, Who Also, Right Before He Was Found Dead= Ded, The Night Before Mr. Foster Was Going To Turn Pertinent Federal & State Evidence Into Federal Court Against The Clinton Clan! What Ever Happened To The Mr. Seth Rich Investigation Into His Death?
How about your two drunk daughters Pelosi , but look at the example they have a s they told the officer they were Washington Royalty . We The People are your employer and you need to be dismissed immediately , you should be suspended until after your year is ended . You are a total embarrassment to this country as well as your whole damn family.
DEMS REFUSE TO SAY BAD ABOUT PELOSI AND SAY THIS IS NOT HER DAUGHTERS. THE INTERNET IS DEM CONTROLLED AND THAT IS WHY THEY ARE NOT ON THERE. THE STORY IS CLEAR AND THERE IS A PHOTO OF THEM. AND THEY ACT JUST LIKE THEIR MOTHER, THAT IS WHY IT IS TRUE. is a subsidiary of the “America’s Last Line of Defense” network of parody, satire, and tomfoolery, or as Snopes called it before they lost their war on satire: Junk News
All you respondents don’t notice it says “Drunk Pelosi Satire for Gullible Taters”