The New York Jets have come to terms for a try out with controversial quarterback Colin Kaepernick. The New York football team, since losing Aaron Rodgers to injury in the first game of the season, says it needs a star quarterback, and Kaepernick might just be that star to pull the Jets out of the losing slump they’re in.
It wasn’t long ago that no team in the National Football League would touch the controversial former San Francisco 49er, but faced with a few losses under their belt, the Jets need some star power, and Kaepernick is that star that could pull them out of last place. A controversial move, but one that will get fans talking.
The tryout will consist of two games, one home and one away. If Kaepernick performs well, he will most likely be signed for the rest of the season, replacing the ailing Aaron Rodgers as quarterback, a move that angers many as they see Kaepernick as unAmerican while Rodgers is rigidly conservative and pro America.
New York Jets athletic coordinator Joseph Barron says “this could be a good move for us. People will start paying attention to the Jets, and talk about something other than our dismal record”. He believes this could be a new beginning for the beleaguered team.
While some are angry that the kneeling Kaepernick will be given a shot at starting for the Jets, others see it as punishment. “Nobody likes the Jets. Not even the Jets fans” stared life long Jets fan Sandy Batt. “The players hate it here too. I mean they play in New Jersey.” Good point, Sandy.
Could this be the beginning of a Kaepernick comeback? Could it be the final nail in the coffin for the New York Jets? Only time will tell. So far, there’s no mention of kneeling in Kaepernick’s contract, and rumor has it that Rodgers is exceptionally angry about this.
We do know this. You’ll be mad. Big mad. And nobody knows why you’ll be mad. You swore you stopped watching football eons ago. And we know you’re not a Jets fan. Nobody is a Jets fan. Not that they’ll admit to anyway. God bless America!