(F. Eagleton ~ ALLOD) – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-SF) is in hot water this week after reports surfaced of her paying off a local cop in San Fransisco with money from her office’s petty cash box, a taxpayer-funded entitlement. Pelosi paid the cop $5,905 in cash from the fund and wrote him a personal check for another $148,098.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-EBFNJ) says the speaker should be prosecuted, impeached, and then imprisoned for her crime. “Bribery isn’t funny. It affects everyone. I’m currently paying off more than a dozen private investigators from previous marriages.”

McCarthy was joined in his displeasure by Mitch McConnell, who says this is all the ammunition he needs to hold up the nomination of Katanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court until after the voters decide in 2028.

Hopefully, Pelosi will resign so Joe Biden can be impeached and Kamala Harris too and whoever the republicans put in office appoints Trump to fill the vacancy. Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett says she supports the plan and will most definitely rule in favor of making the Trumps the American monarchy.


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