Jason Aldean played Hershey Stadium in Hershey, PA and broke attendance records, not just for there, but any concert ever in Pennsylvania. As far as you could see there were Jason Aldean fans. It was amazing

After the “Small Town” controversy, people came out in droves. They wanted him to know they were with him. They agreed with “Try That In A Small Town”. This is his moment and these are his people.

This was bigger than any Taylor Swift concert. People came from as far as Pittsburgh and Baltimore to see Jason Aldean perform. They danced and sang and cheered. It certainly was a sight to see. This was peak America.

And he pulled out all the hits. Of course he played “Small Town”, but also classics like “My Sister Tastes Like My Cousin”, “Blame It On The Meth” “Caught My Wife With The Horse Again” and the seminal favorite “I Hate Gay People”

We caught up with local residents Joe Barron and Sandy Batt at the whites only restroom where he was A Framing her in stall B, where they said this was the first date they’ve had in a long time, with him being locked up for stealing catalytic converters and her in rehab for drugs. “She’s my favorite cousin” he exclaimed. Obviously.

Looking over the crowd it was a sea of white, unwashed faces, each looking dumber than the last waiting for their favorite song to be played, waving confederate flags even though they were above the Mason Dixon line where the south was handed their own ass.

But it’s obvious that a good time was had by all, between the really bad music, the MAGA hats, the not subtle at all racist overtones, and the incest, of course the incest, it was a rousing success. God bless America!


  1. John M Rolwing

    I noticed that the Author was one Craven Morehead…it was suggestively Liberal in word, and Wild-Right in action…I took a mag glass and could NOT locate any porta-potty’s so I guess they pretty much found a spot. I also wondered of this was a “Photoshop” because take people in the middle and if two or three “needed to go right then” it might take 30 min to reach the edge…The Author evidently had a Liberal bent with “the bad music and the MAGA hats” but he did end with God Bless America. NOW realize TRUMP filled stadiums (true most indoor) but outdoor viewing was made possible by mega-screens and speakers…and yet…the winner of the race was in his bathrobe and campaigned from his basement and got more Electoral votes that the man who filled overflow crowds with “USA USA” and now look at our “State of Affairs” with Lord Drooling tool and his band of Merry fools. Mr. Aldean brought a record crowd together, and they would not be there if the message and the messenger were Liberal. One could, if needed for propaganda, label the “crowd” in protest to the song and singer…HAHA…that was not so. This could be as bad an inference that was a handed to Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) with his “NAZI” salute when all he was doing was waving to a group cheering him…and then showed a clip of him “running out of the Capitol” …later Tucker Carlson showed that Sen Hawley was WALKING out of the Capitol…and realize that the Liberals held the videos from Jan6 for over a year…how much damaging EVIDENCE ended up on the cutting floor.(?) Well, God Bless America. NOW…just “Opt OUT or just say NO” to the coming death of our Freedom…the financially deadly Digital Dollar the brainchild endorsed by the WEF (DAVOS) and backed by OBAMA, the Prez by proxy and his 3rd term ( the man behind the curtain) …and designed by Gates, III to rule us by financial PERMISSION. Have a nice tomorrow, if there is one.

    • Father Mother

      His version was funny though. Yours is just trying really hard to use multisyllabic words that sound educated while trying to pull off the parody humor. You failed in every way possibel and at least one way that seemed impossible until now.

    • BluesMessiah

      Jesus Christ, please get your mommy to explain “parody” to you. This obviously went so far above your head you could have fit all of Trump’s many lies under it.

      • marshall

        your just a brain dead idiot

    • Father Mother

      You had to google search the image to realize the article was sardonic?

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