Garth Brooks has come under fire in the last few weeks for controversial opinions concerning Bud Light and Dylan Mulvaney. He’s come out in support of transgender activists and Pride month. But this may be the final nail in the coffin. Garth Brooks is standing behind Biden’s re-election hopes and thumbing his nose at the Trump 2024 campaign.
It was thought that coming out in support of Donald Trump would give him some credibility back to country music fans, nearly all of whom are patriots and conservatives and support the 2024 election of Donald Trump. But Brooks turned it down. He told the Trump campaign no. He would not be doing any music, concerts or appearing with Trump anywhere.
Garth Brooks has gone to the dark side. Totally. 100 percent. When asked why he would not be doing any appearances with Trump, Brooks stated “I am behind Biden’s re-election. When he wins, I will be performing once again at his inauguration as I did in 2021”. Trump campaign staffer Joe Barron was aghast. Here was Brooks’ moment of redemption, and he threw it away.
Even though Brooks has stayed away from politics or any kind of political affiliation or endorsement doesn’t matter. He said he’d serve Bud Light at his bar so obviously he’s part of some weird liberal cabal that is transgendered to right wing people who haven’t had an original thought for themselves in years. Brooks is a republican, but we will pretend he isn’t. God Bless America!