According to the Dunning-Kruger Times, Nancy Pelosi was removed from the House Floor for drunken and disorderly conduct. To make matters worse, this was during the vote count for the gun control bill. Pelosi cares so little for Americans that she would show up drunk to this important vote.

Here is an excerpt from one of Pelosi’s many drunken outbursts that day:

“You’re all a bunch of a**holes! You need to be voted out since you don’t give two sh*ts about the American people! Their lives are on your hands. You’re a bunch of knuckle-dragging oxygen thieves. In fact, we should charge your for all that oxygen you waste every day, especially you turtle-looking f*ck from Kentucky. Get fu**ed! We’re going to impeach that orange bastard again you can best believe it!”

After this outburst, the Sergeant at Arms, Joe Barron grabbed her and escorted her out as she kicked and screamed about her rights being violated:

“Do you know who I am?! You’re violating my rights you fascist brownshirt! I’m the Speaker of the House! You’re going to regret this”

Republicans clapped and cheered as Pelosi was thrown out of the chamber. Democrats vowed to cover up this incident so it wouldn’t be known to Americans, but we are here to report the truth of what happened.

Pelosi has long been known to be an alcoholic in satire, but this is too far, even for fiction. It’s time for her to be forced into make-believe retirement.


  1. Danielle

    So why does the House Speaker get away with arriving to her JOB DRUNK???? Citizen’s in the U.S. would be fired???? WHY IS THIS ALLOWABLE HUH???????????

    • Anonymous

      Especially since no one is above the law!!!

    • Anonymous

      she should retire people like her always get away with shit

  2. Anonymous

    Is there any proof at all other than this one article from one source. Hard to believe you have the only story. Liberal owned media aside no one else ran the story…I dislike pelosi with a passion but she can dig her own grave there is no reason to fabricate or just make crap up. That’s a liberal tactic. With no proof why stop there why not say she curb stomped a puppy and burned down an orphanage? I cant stand her but have proof.

    • James stephens

      You are so brainwashed. Pelosi is a drunk. Every social media platform hides it and you are part if the problem. Wake up the proof is covered up. I’ve seen her in many interviews obviously DRUNK. You say you don’t like her but defend her cause social media never lies.we don’t need this story to know she is a piece of crop drunk. You are part of he cover up.

  3. James Fleming

    The Democrat Party has surrendered to the Devil. They have become Evil and I believe it started around 2012 when they booed adding the name of God to their Party platform.

  4. Denny Benjamin

    This is published by BUSTATROLL, a satire site. hard to tell if it is true or not!!!



  6. Anonymous

    You people cant be this stupid right? I can’t believe you low information idiots are really this stupid.

    • Crystal

      Unfortunately it is very true!!!

  7. Phillip Vivas

    Nancy Pelosi needs to be impeached and put in prison with no chance of parole!!

  8. larry perkins

    Fire her ass now we the bosses she showed up at work drunk said bad words fire her fucking ass. Terminate enough of this witch bullshit do itl

  9. Henry Meguess ,

    If true it will only make her a God among the Democrats,but I do not believe she would do that and would hsve to hear more from her church on the other story as well.I think her age is showing with her lost of words and flapping hands all around but then I saw that

  10. David Peterman


  11. Bubba Hollis

    so fake, yet some people believe it

  12. Anonymous

    I’m a full Trump supporter and I know this is fake

  13. Anonymous

    Are some of you people so gullible that you’ll believe anything someone says on the internet, without ever bothering to check sources? BustaTroll is satire, yet some of you are either too high/drunk or dumb to know the difference. Idiots!

  14. Dale Gonce

    Fake !!! Gotta feed the brain dead.

  15. Diane Massey

    Y’all PLEASE notice the word SATIRE in the upper corner. I am no fan of Pelosi..but come on.. you can’t put stock in this

  16. Anonymous

    This site specifically says “Satire” at the top of the page. People will believe anything. 🤣🤣

  17. Annie

    The minute I started reading from this site, it became blatantly obvious it’s just silliness.

  18. Jeanelle Worrell

    I do not call this satire,I call it lies!! I have no use for the woman,she is a detriment to this country.However,I don’t like lies being told by anyone about anyone!!!! And trying to influence the thinking of people. Yes,some will believe everything they read,but there are varied reasons for that,and don’t need to insult other readers!! But those printing lies are to be criticized for doing so!!!

  19. Jo R

    do you realize this is all fake news. Do you not see the word “satire” on the very top of this website? I have to believe you are not falling this. This site is like the onion, nothing is what is said, it is just fake news.

  20. Robert Patenaude

    May I ask why it is so difficult to locate on your site the publication dates of articles. I haven’t seen one.

  21. Anonymous

    I would sure like to know why we haven’t heard a single thing about this drunkeness of Pelosi, even from FOX

  22. Joe

    I dislike Pelosi with my entire soul, but I hate the possibility that MY conservative media would stoop to false reporting… No need to slime down to the level of CCN, MSNBC, and the other lame stream!

  23. Fred Dawes

    This woman is totally Insane, “her look and her Ideal are so full of madness its sad to see”, TRUMP 2020 But if Trump cant save our Nation a civil race war will kill it thanks to people like Pelosi madness

  24. John

    The thing is, it seems so plausible it will probably happen eventually.

  25. E Bunce

    I see some folks missed the disclaimer about being satire! 😂

  26. sue

    Wow, that was educational and entertaining.

  27. ThomPhipps

    Unhinged, Wacked out. Should be ashamed, her one sided, one way ,my way mentallity , is appauling…disgusting…Term limits for all who are at our teat. 30, 40, 50,years in office. They just ride the gravy train at our expense. .bullshit..time to clean house… Shumer, ,don’t even get me started. Moron….they are all thievens..!!’ Derelict of their dutes .lie,cheat,steal..we take the hit, low middle class, nobody’s to them. This country would be in the crapper, if it wasn’t for all of us,, low rent, low pay WARRIORS…screw you…a holes…T.

  28. Anonymous

    Does that surprise ANYONE? And, what else would you expect? One day, you MAY have the opportunity to vote for her. It doesn’t and won’t surprise me in the least! She does it all the time. AND THAT IS A FACT! I know! YOU HAVE THE NEXT FOUR YEARS TO ENJOY THE RIDE. Yippity-do-da!

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