Just a week after pulling the patriotic Jason Aldean song, “Try That In A Small Town”, CMT is running a music video from country singer Tyler Childers about two gay coal miners in love. The video shows 2 men embracing, kissing and it’s being run in daylight hours while children are watching.

CMT has obviously lost the plot. Conservative Christians don’t want to see this, which has always been their bread and butter. And to play this during the daytime when kids can see it is a slap in the face to the values their viewers hold dear.

This is wokism plain and simple. Pulling the Aldean video and then turning around and playing “In Your Love” shows where CMT is headed. And it’s not good.  This is kneeling to the woke left and indoctrinating children. What happened to Country Music Television?

CMT spokesman Joe Barron was interviewed about this latest controversy and had this to say. “This is a love song. It’s about two people falling in love and dealing with the adversity in falling in love, it’s not confrontational, there’s no dog whistles…where’s the problem?”  You tell us Mr Barron, love is a man and a woman. And sometimes a sister. And a sheep. Especially in a small town.

CMT obviously doesn’t know its audience. Some of them have never left their small town except to head to Walmart in the town over for groceries, stealing catalytic converters, subpar ingredients for meth, or a rendezvous with their cousin they have had a crush on for a week. You know. Simpletons.

If they wanted to see two men in love, they just look no further than themselves with a weird fetish for the former president or that time with their friend Carl in the holler remaking scenes from Brokeback Mountain swearing each other to secrecy in the throes of passion.

Look. We get it. Seeing two men in love make you uncomfortable, no matter how pure it is. Hearing that Tyler Childers actually wrote the song instead of paying for people to manufacture simple country tripe makes you uncomfortable. But you just pretend that small world that you’ve chosen to live in is the only one that exists. God bless America.


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