The Left loves to talk about our opinionated television hosts, such as Tucker Carlson or Sean Hannity, in a negative way. They don’t seem to understand that those guys are doing a show they clearly state is intended for a conservative audience.
However, because they pretend to serve the general public, what happens on “The View” is dividing America, according to TIME Magazine.
TIME’s expose’, “The View from America’s Biased Left,” highlights Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar’s hatred and racism, giving many, many examples.
“The pair regularly converse about things the average Christian conservative would find offensive,” the article states, “and because it’s on m,mainstream television rather than one of the propaganda centers like FOX, it’s clear that the show’s entire existence depends on political controversy.”
The show’s producer, Joe Barron, said the allegations by TIME are way off base. “The View is a daytime talk show with the best ratings on TV,” he said, “we’re not really concerned with what the FOX News crowd thinks. They’re in a cult.”
Harsh words from someone who needs the public’s approval to keep those ratings. What does Barron think would happen if all Christians deserted his little show? Where would the ratings be then?
Checkmate, divisive tater bait. Checkmate. God Bless America.