Hillary Clinton was supposed to come onstage tonight for the Oscars, joining Michelle Obama and Alexandra Ortez-Cortega for a short speech about the importance of women in film and television. During the sound check, Hillary Clinton forgot that her mic was hot and went on a bit of a rant about her “friend,” Oprah Winfrey:

“I told that b*tch that she’d better not announce some run and ruin my chances. Hmmm? No, I’m not running, but that stupid BLM trash doesn’t need to know that.”

The recording was immediately seized by Clinton’s Secret Service detail, which is composed of volunteers the agency suspects are being paid under the table by the Deep State. The last part, where she calls Oprah “BLM trash,” however, has been verified by at least 3 people from the arena, who have all been fired and removed from the property by the Los Angeles Police.

So far, the liberals are winning the battle of misinformation. Oprah was in range to hear the slur go out live, however, and Hillary’s surprise appearance has now been canceled.

Michelle Obama and Alexandria Ortega-Cortsone will both still be appearing to smear men who earned Oscars this year, showcasing clips from undeserving women they think should be nominated just because they’re women.