“Antifa Will Always Be Welcome In Baltimore”
So uttered Elijah Cummings after he and the Baltimore City Council
gave their permission to Antifa International to hold their annual convention within the Baltimore City Limits.
Antifa had been searching for a new home for quite some time after being kicked out of virtually every city on earth. Very few locations will still allow their kind to congregate around them, seeing as how they oppose the future fascist states of the world. Los Angeles and New York are still welcoming within the USA, and, of course, anywhere in rabidly supportive Germany, but their choices for gathering places elsewhere become slimmer everyday. So, after hearing President Trump’s disparaging remarks about Baltimore, Antifa felt they had a good shot there as they could take advantage of the anti-Trump sentiment that was brewing within the corrupt government of the region.

Antifa spokesgenderfluidperson, Anita I. Dentitee, told us of their decision to meet in the Maryland city this year:
“Baltimore is perfect! People are naturally proud of their city no matter how disgusting it may be. When Trump slammed the city, he slammed its residents so they f’in hate him now! That made this selection a no-brainer.
What better opportunity to take advantage of growing resentment and bitterness! This place is ripe for the picking. We will march in there and build them up while simultaneously taking Trump down. We love Baltimore!”

Annual conventions for the terrorist group involve the joining of hooligans from all over the world. They get together for conferences where they discuss the best methods through which world domination can take place. Additionally, there are games and activities revolving around death and destruction. “Fun for the whole family,” they say.
Baltimore, it seems, can’t sink any lower. Their representatives in government hate America and they are increasingly unafraid to show it. Perhaps it’s time for Trump to more forcefully intervene to set the area straight.