Bill O’Reilly is back.
Three years after leaving Fox News and his show “The O’Reilly Factor”, Bill is rumored to have been hired to bring his “no spin zone” to a much larger stage – The White House.
He’s a natural fit. An experienced journalist with a penchant for truth above all, he knows how the world operates and he knows how to effectively communicate its news to an audience. Add to that the fact that he can do so in a manner that negates the ability of liberal press to spin their way, and there was clearly no other choice for the job.

President Trump himself made the pitch to O’Reilly following the announced departure of Sarah Huckabee Sanders. It’s said that Bill balked, unwilling to leave his lucrative online reporting position, so he was offered a salary in excess of a million dollars to take the position, the majority of which will be covered by Trump personally, so great was his desire to bring Mr. O’Reilly on board. Incidentally, after hearing of this salary offer, Sarah Sanders was heard in the Oval Office, withdrawing her resignation. This was followed by hysterical laughter from everyone else in the room, followed by Sanders begging, following by greater laughter, followed by Sanders anger, laughter, Sanders crying, laughter, Sanders laughter…….and Trump throwing her from the room, saying,”You’re out, Sarah. Billy is my guy.”
And so he is.