“Beto” O’Rourke displayed more insensitivity toward shooting victims and their families today with his remarks. While speaking before reporters and asked his thoughts on President Trump’s remarks about crowd size at El Paso General Hospital, he had this to say:
“He bragged about people coming to the hospital where shooting victims lie. People are hurting. People are grieving. People are anxious and scared. Rather than focus on the victims and their loved ones, he’s still thinking about himself. Always himself.
I mean, who does that? Only a f**king sociopath. All narcissism, no class. Hey Dump! This day is not about you. Try to be a human being.

Well hey, all these shootings are a result of his racist rhetoric. I’m surprised he’s not bragging about the great turnouts at all the massacres. Or taking credit for the body counts.
He is a demented, evil man and all this crap is his fault. He didn’t pull the trigger but he sure loaded the guns.”
Beto O’Rourke is just jealous that he can’t attract the kinds of crowds that Trump does….ever. Even in the good times. So what if Trump smiled throughout his visits to the wounded? His smile is magnificent. He should show it off.