The world has gone crazy lately. You can see it everywhere. The entire world has effectively shut down and nothing is open. Citizens are essentially under house arrest.
All of that is going to change soon, as President Trump has been indicating that America will soon be open again. Businesses are celebrating as they, along with everybody else, seek to normalize our lives, and most importantly, start making money again, because that is what America is all about.
Walmart is one of the few businesses that has remained open these past few months. Some small changes were made to our shopping experience – minor inconveniences that most felt would be sure to soon pass. It seems that is not the case though, as Walmart has indicated that the new “precautions” they placed in stores will remain in place forever. And not only that, but they are also planning to add more.
Rumors have been swirling that the Walmart board of directors is contemplating making the wearing of face masks in the store compulsory for all. Under the policy they are proposing, nobody would be allowed within the store’s walls without having their mouth and nose covered with a WHO-approved mask.
Customers are outraged. Joe Barron of Alabama says he won’t take it. He reserves the right to spray his droplets on anyone within a few feet of him. His freedom is more important than the health and safety of everyone else in the country:
“This is America, damn it, not Tatooine! That mask is nothing more than a communist burka! And we don’t do that in America!
Strong words from an angry man. Could a Walmart boycott follow?
walmart in livingston tx has asign out front maskmustbe worn to enter store they are not enforceing this why
Walmart in Conover NC breaks their own rules. If you want to get to the pharmacy you must hike to the far end of the store, go around a barrier , with a facemask to get to the pharmacy at the other side of the store.
HOWEVER, employees are allowed to enter thru the exit, without masks and if you say something, they think it’s funny. It’s funny allright, one less customer for you.
because they still need customers to come in
Customers who feel free not to wear a mask may are welcome to freely drive on the wrong side of the road.
They were open all this time when all small businesses were closed. They want to extend the crisis.