Another economic stimulus package is moving through Congress. After months of obstruction from the Democratic Party, the two sides have finally seemed to come to an agreement.
Unfortunately for struggling Americans, Nancy Pelosi strolled onto the House floor just before the vote was to take place and said ‘not so fast!’
She has vowed to not allow any kind of stimulus package to pass that sends any extra money to anyone who receives Social Security Income of any kind.
This heartless act flies in the face of doing the right thing for Americans, which is par for the course for the Democrats.
Democratic Party spokesperson Sandy Batt spoke to the media about their party’s reasoning behind denying the American people any relief to save a few bucks to stop senior citizens from getting any money.
“People who receive Social Security were not impacted by the pandemic or the associated economic conditions. Their checks haven’t been reduced, stopped, or even slowed down. To put it simply, their income wasn’t affected. The goal of the stimulus is to replace some of the lost income to help people survive.
People on Social Security didn’t actually lose any money so they shouldn’t get any money.
I can’t wait to cruise the comments on all of the articles about this and see all of those people who are always complaining about socialism and people wanting a handout complain about this. We’re tracking those people too and will be sure to single them out in the next Congressional Resolution to point and laugh at each one of them.”
The Democratic Party’s sole interest is to remain in power. The people who continue to vote them into office have fully bought into the only platform that the Democrats have: obstruction.
After all, it is not like Mitch McConnell has ever done anything to stand in the way of what the American people need. The Democrats could learn a valuable lesson from him on how to effectively govern.
I’m sorry, Fancy Nancy, but we both have to work to supplement our puny social security checks. During the Spring shutdown my husband was furloughed from his job, making him ineligible for unemployment. Tell me again how seniors aren’t affected?
Ya know Nancy is going to have karma served to her one day and i really hope its about loosing all her money so be careful lady what u put out there
NO, My income has not changed….it is still only $749/month! How dare this elite WITCH! MAY She rot in hell!
Most of the people on Social Security, have had their incomes reduced to help all their sons and daughters who have lost their jobs many of whom have had to move in to their parents homes along with their kids. I always here democrats telling everyone it is Trump that will take our SS money but the President is the only one in DC fighting for ALL Americans like he has done for the last four years and I pray he gets these useless Republicans in the house and senate to fight for him. Our Judges are cowards and our party is nothing but useless rubber boned spineless morons. But YOU Nancy, you are the most arrogant, self serving, self aggrandizing hypocrite of all of them. You are HATED by just about everyone I have seen, hears your name.
I would SPIT in your face, you evil stupid dumb bitch
You are nothing but a liar and a cheater
corrupted to the very core of
your God Damned
lost soul
Well said