There won’t be a giant flag at this year’s Super Bowl, as there has been for the 51 before it. Typically, service members from across the armed forces join together to carry the flag out, making sure it never touches the ground, in a show of respect for our troops.

This year, there will be one small flag in the west end zone accompanied by the standards from each branch of the military, while mid-field will be reserved for a “kneeling ceremony.”

Protesters from both teams will be welcome to use the area to kneel during the anthem as well as to carry wreaths, flowers, signage, and other tributes to those lost to unnecessary police violence. Local police, ironically, will provide extra security for a similar ceremony planned for the parking lot so a bunch of un-American peaceful protesters don’t get themselves hurt for standing up for what they believe in.

Singing the anthem this year will be Kid Rock with a guitar accompaniment from Ted Nugent and the West Newchester all-girls marching band, which has been graciously housed for free at Ron DeSantis’ 2nd home in Flagstaff.

CBS says it will air the ceremony but that it expects the fiasco to cost the event a bunch of viewers. “We think as many as a few thousand will tune out for the anthem and come back, but it’s the tens of people in small towns across America boycotting the game that worries us.”

Hopefully, the boycotts make a difference and they just stop televising this trash. God Bless America.



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