House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has released her budget for the 2022 Speaker’s Office expenses. Among the line items: $270K for alcoholic beverages.
Also listed are 7 cases of Planter’s mixed nuts, 40 cases of Activia strawberry yogurt, 4 cases of spicy Slim Jims, and a gallon of hot sauce, presumably for when Hillary Clinton comes to visit.
The Speaker’s budget, unfortunately, is determined by her and there’s nothing anyone can do about it, except the President. When Trump was in office, she had to pay for her own booze. Biden can’t say the same.
Pelosi has refused to comment, saying that her office budget isn’t anyone’s concern, and the things she orders are for not just her and her staff but for dignitaries from around the world. “You can’t serve Orlof vodka to Putin. He demands Kettle One.”
Pelosi’s 2022 budget is the highest it’s ever been, topping the last fictional number by nearly $150K. The fact-check for that one says she doesn’t drink at all, but everyone knows facts are for the left.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has said that he’d like to put his lips directly on Trump’s bunghole, which isn’t really related.
Ted Cruz had no comment as he’s still in a tense Twitter battle with Big Bird.
Thank Christ our elected officials are on it.
God Bless America.