There’s a new type of rap music in town. And it’s the same kind of rap and hip hop you’d expect, but from a very conservative point of view. It’s Trump rap, conservative based rap music that is making big moves in young communities.

The music is like any kind of rap music you’d hear, but where it gets different is the lyrics. These guys are tapping their conservative beliefs, rapping for Donald Trump, against abortion, and for traditional American values. And it’s making a difference.

Forgiato Blow, a big name in the conservative rap world is taking the genre by storm with songs like “F- Bud Light”, “Boycott Target”, “Trump Saved The USA” and MTG. That’s right. A song celebrating Marjorie Taylor Greene. He really loves America and is a full blown conservative.

Other right wing rappers include Upchurch, a buck toothed redneck, Adam Calhoun, a cosplaytriot who’s 5 foot nothing with s dead raccoon on his face, who proclaims he’s not racist yet is massively racist. There is a black man who wears a giant Trump cowboy hat named Bryson Gray, and several others I didn’t bother to look up their names.

All of them are cartoonish and ignorant, but Forgiato Blow is the most cartoonish of them all. Morbidly obese with tattoos all over his face and even a tattoo of Trump near his genitals, this man is the textbook definition of cringe. He drives a lifted diesel pick up truck wrapped with Trump garbage and in the passenger seat is a sex doll in the 45th President’s likeness. No, I’m not kidding.

None of these derelicts realize that they have a shelf life and after Trump fails to be president in 2024, it’s over for them. Adam Calhoun can always keep his homophobic racist act up until he goes back to prison, where, oddly enough, he was for assaulting a police officer. So much for blue lives matter.

Anyway, enjoy them while they last, they have a few minutes of fame left and then it’s back to being unemployed derelicts with bad tattoos and weird hero fetishes. It’s awesome. God bless America. .

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